Getting Healthy #2

The second step to getting healthier was to begin exercising more regularly. Last year, I went on a trip to Hawaii and that served as my biggest motivation to get myself in shape. I exercised and went on a meal plan and managed to lose 10 lbs before the trip. I was content with that, but unfortunately I gained half of it back only a few weeks after returning home. I have managed to keep off 6 lbs though!

This time, I’m aiming to lose the weight gradually, perhaps a little more slowly, but hopefully permanently.

#2 – Exercising Regularly
This part, for me was even harder than quitting smoking. I’m not even kidding…

To try and find time to squeeze in a workout at least 3 times a week was NOT an easy task. Between a full-time job, 2 evening classes, homework, house cleaning, cooking and a social life… who has time to exercise?! Well, I will find the time!!

I worked out steadily during the summer, but once this semester started, I didn’t have any energy left in me to wake up at 5:45 every morning. But lately, my boyfriend and I have been making it to the gym about twice a week. It’s not ideal, but it’s better than nothing.

Our goal is to make it 4-5 times a week, every week. No excuses. I know that once I graduate in April, I will have so much more free time… can’t wait!!

Exercise is so important. I personally prefer to work out in the morning, because after work I’m usually way too exhausted. By the time I get home, I’ve spent about an hour on the bus unwinding and I am completely demotivated. But if I go in the morning, I get to start off my day in the best way! It energizes me and keeps me alert throughout the day and I’ve noticed that I’m generally a much happier person when I make it to the gym in the morning.

Exercising has also helped me to sleep better. By the time my head hits the pillow at night, I am out cold until 5:45 the next morning. I’ve also noticed that I’ve been having a lot less nightmares since going to the gym again (I’d been having way too many unpleasant dreams lately). It just feels great and though it takes a while to get into a routine, it is SO worth it.

Exercising has so many benefits and even if you don’t like the gym, you should make an effort to take the dog for more walks, go for a jog, do an at-home workout – any little change helps! Any exercise contributes to a healthier lifestyle.

My goal is to lose another 4 lbs. and to strengthen my core, tone all over and increase my endurance. I’ve already noticed a difference in my endurance and I can last a lot longer on the treadmill, but I usually don’t stay on too long because I do speed intervals, which helps burn a lot more calories.

To me, one of the most important things to remember is to not stress about it. Missed the gym one day? Oh well, make it up the next day. But do! Don’t just postpone it. Just don’t stress about it too much. You’ll be happier and healthier.

If you guys want to share some of your workout routines or transformations, I’d love to hear about them! Support and motivation are great factors in success.

